
Glossary of Design Terms





how well a design communicates its intended function without unnecessary elements, embellishment or decoration


highly trained or skilled in a particular activity; perfected in knowledge or training; expert


the condition or quality of being true, correct or exact; freedom from error or defect; precision or exactness; correctness; in science, the extent to which a measurement result represents the quantity it purports to measure; an accurate measurement result includes an estimate of the true value and an estimate of the uncertainty


precise and exact; to the point; consistent with or exactly conforming to a truth, standard, rule, model, convention or known facts; free from error or defect; meticulous; correct in all details


very/highly skilled or proficient at something; expert


satisfactory or acceptable in quality or quantity equal to the requirement or occasion

aerial view

a sketch depicting an environment or object from a high vantage point, allowing a bird’s-eye view of a precinct or landscape


a branch of philosophy dealing with the nature of art, beauty and taste;

more scientifically defined as the study of sensory–emotional values, sometimes called judgments of sentiment and taste;

aesthetic judgment is concerned with the sensory impact or appeal of a product, service or environment and is influenced by social, emotional and demographic factors; elements and principles of visual communication are used to enhance visual aesthetic


dissect to ascertain and examine constituent parts and/or their relationships; break down or examine in order to identify the essential elements, features, components or structure; determine the logic and reasonableness of information;

examine or consider something in order to explain and interpret it, for the purpose of finding meaning or relationships and identifying patterns, similarities and differences


a series of images that when combined suggest movement;

animations are of varying sophistication and may use 2D or 3D imaging;

may be images of: an object moving, moving around an object, moving through an environment, parts moving, or moving from external to internal views or vice versa


made or furnished critical or explanatory notes, or comments to a picture, drawing, sketch or diagram

anthropometric data

information about human body size and shape

appearance models

highly detailed representation of appearance using simulated materials

applied learning

the acquisition and application of knowledge, understanding and skills in real-world or lifelike contexts that may encompass workplace, industry and community situations; it emphasises learning through doing and includes both theory and the application of theory, connecting subject knowledge and understanding with the development of practical skills

Applied subject

a subject whose primary pathway is work and vocational education; it emphasises applied learning and community connections;

a subject for which a syllabus has been developed by the QCAA with the following characteristics: results from courses developed from Applied syllabuses contribute to the QCE; results may contribute to ATAR calculations


use knowledge and understanding in response to a given situation or circumstance; carry out or use a procedure in a given or particular situation


evaluate the worth, significance or status of something; judge or consider a text or piece of work


recognise or make a judgment about the value or worth of something; understand fully; grasp the full implications of


acceptable; suitable or fitting for a particular purpose, circumstance, context etc.


suitable to the purpose or occasion; fitting; appropriate


influence all aspects of the built environment and bring together the arts, environmental awareness, sciences and technology;

by combining creative design with technical knowledge, architects create the physical environment in which people live, which in turn influences quality of life;

not only do architects inform the overall aesthetics of a city or region by pushing the boundaries of design and style, but they also make invaluable contributions to the quality of life, public health and sustainability of any given region (Australian Institute of Architects)

area of study

a division of, or a section within, a unit


give reasons for or against something; challenge or debate an issue or idea; persuade, prove or try to prove by giving reasons


a particular part of a feature of something; a facet, phase or part of a whole


measure, determine, evaluate, estimate or make a judgment about the value, quality, outcomes, results, size, significance, nature or extent of something


purposeful and systematic collection of information about students’ achievements

assessment instrument

a tool or device used to gather information about student achievement

assessment objectives

drawn from the unit objectives and contextualised for the requirements of the assessment instrument

(see also ‘syllabus objectives’, ‘unit objectives’)

assessment technique

the method used to gather evidence about student achievement, (e.g. examination, project, investigation)


showing an ability to accurately assess situations or people; of keen discernment


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a quality, character, characteristic, or property


individuals or groups for whom the response is designed and delivered

augmented reality

digital representations of designs that are superimposed over existing environments


able to be trusted as being accurate or true; reliable; commanding and self-confident; likely to be respected and obeyed



keeping or showing a balance; not biased; fairly judged or presented; taking everything into account in a fair, well-judged way




design style; design concepts influenced by biological entities and elements of nature



determine or find (e.g. a number, answer) by using mathematical processes; obtain a numerical answer showing the relevant stages in the working; ascertain/determine from given facts, figures or information


place in or assign to a particular class or group; arrange or order by classes or categories; classify; sort out; sort; separate


difficult but interesting; testing one’s abilities; demanding and thought-provoking; usually involving unfamiliar or less familiar elements


a typical feature or quality

circular design

a design method where designers consider the future of products, services and environments beyond a single design life cycle for a specific user


make clear or intelligible; explain; make a statement or situation less confused and more comprehensible


clearness of thought or expression; the quality of being coherent and intelligible; free from obscurity of sense; without ambiguity; explicit; easy to perceive, understand or interpret


arrange, distribute or order in classes or categories according to shared qualities or characteristics


free from confusion, uncertainty or doubt; easily seen, heard or understood


in a clear manner; plainly and openly; without ambiguity


the person, group or community for which the design concepts are made; the client usually has a commercial agreement with the designer and may have specific requirements; the client is often the intermediary between the person who designs the concept and the person involved in production


having a natural or due agreement of parts; connected; consistent; logical; orderly; well-structured and makes sense; rational, with parts that are harmonious; having an internally consistent relation of parts


characterised by being united, bound together or having integrated meaning; forming a united whole


express an opinion, observation or reaction in speech or writing; give a judgment based on a given statement or result of a calculation


engaged in commerce; capable of returning a profit; setting possible commercial return above artistic considerations


convey knowledge and/or understandings to others; make known; transmit


a group of people who have a particular characteristic in common, such as a church, school, not-for-profit organisation, sporting club or a group of people who have a particular need and therefore require design concepts for many users


display recognition of similarities and differences, and recognise the significance of these similarities and differences


having suitable or sufficient skills, knowledge, experience, etc. for some purpose; adequate but not exceptional; capable; suitable or sufficient for the purpose;

having the necessary ability, knowledge or skill to do something successfully; efficient and capable (of a person); acceptable and satisfactory, though not outstanding


in an efficient and capable way; in an acceptable and satisfactory, though not outstanding, way


composed or consisting of many different and interconnected parts or factors; compound; composite; characterised by an involved combination of parts; complicated; intricate; a complex whole or system; a complicated assembly of particulars


understand the meaning or nature of; grasp mentally


inclusive; of large content or scope; including or dealing with all or nearly all elements or aspects of something; wide-ranging; detailed and thorough, including all that is relevant


expressing much in few words; giving a lot of information clearly and in a few words; brief, comprehensive and to the point; succinct, clear and without repetition of information


in a way that is brief but comprehensive; expressing much in few words; clearly and succinctly


direct in action or course; manage; organise; carry out


think deliberately or carefully about something, typically before making a decision; take something into account when making a judgment; view attentively or scrutinise; reflect on


fairly large or great; thought about deliberately and with a purpose


formed after careful and deliberate thought


agreeing or accordant; compatible; not self-opposed or self-contradictory, constantly adhering to the same principles; acting in the same way over time, especially so as to be fair or accurate; unchanging in nature, standard or effect over time; not containing any logical contradictions (of an argument); constant in achievement or effect over a period of time


limitations or restrictions that must be considered and accommodated when developing ideas and design concepts, e.g. teacher-specified limitations, available time, physical realities, legalities


create or put together (e.g. an argument) by arranging ideas or items;

display information in a diagrammatic or logical form; make; build


a person who purchases or uses products, services or environments


display recognition of differences by deliberate juxtaposition of contrary elements; show how things are different or opposite; give an account of the differences between two or more items or situations, referring to both or all of them throughout


shows the exercise of restraint or direction over; held in check; restrained, managed or kept within certain bounds


a rule, method, practice or procedure widely observed in a group, especially to facilitate social interaction, and established by general consent or usage

convergent thinking

organising and structuring ideas and information to make decisions leading to a single best outcome; often used after a period of divergent thinking to identify the best way forward; making choices


persuaded by argument or proof; leaving no margin of doubt; clear; capable of causing someone to believe that something is true or real; persuading or assuring by argument or evidence; appearing worthy of belief; credible or plausible


intellectual property right that protects the original expression of ideas, not the ideas themselves


a defined amount of learning developed from a subject syllabus


bring something into being or existence; produce or evolve from one’s own thought or imagination; reorganise or put elements together into a new pattern or structure or to form a coherent or functional whole


resulting from originality of thought or expression; relating to or involving the use of the imagination or original ideas to create something; having good imagination or original ideas


capable or worthy of being believed; believable; convincing


the property or characteristic by which something is judged or appraised


involving skilful judgment as to truth, merit, etc.; involving the objective analysis and evaluation of an issue in order to form a judgment; expressing or involving an analysis of the merits and faults of a work of literature, music or art; incorporating a detailed and scholarly analysis and commentary (of a text); rationally appraising for logical consistency and merit


review (e.g. a theory, practice, performance) in a detailed, analytical and critical way


relating to the collective accepted practices of a group of human beings associated with a specified characteristic


to make a decision to select, organise and present particular features


hasty and therefore not thorough or detailed; performed with little attention to detail; going rapidly over something, without noticing details; hasty, superficial



reach a resolution as a result of consideration; make a choice from a number of alternatives


reach a conclusion that is necessarily true, provided a given set of assumptions is true; arrive at, reach or draw a logical conclusion from reasoning and the information given


justifiable by argument; capable of being defended in argument


give the meaning of a word, phrase, concept or physical quantity; state meaning and identify or describe qualities


prove or make clear by argument, reasoning or evidence, illustrating with practical example; show by example; give a practical exhibition


arrive at by reasoning; manipulate a mathematical relationship to give a new equation or relationship


give an account (written or spoken) of a situation, event, pattern or process, or of the characteristics or features of something


produce a plan, simulation, model or similar; plan, form or conceive in the mind;

in English, select, organise and use particular elements in the process of text construction for particular purposes; these elements may be linguistic (words), visual (images), audio (sounds), gestural (body language), spatial (arrangement on the page or screen) and multimodal (a combination of more than one);

in Design, a process of exploring and developing a response to needs, wants and opportunities that require the balancing of aesthetic, cultural, economic, social and technical features

design approach

a way of using the design process relevant to a particular unit, e.g. collaborative designing, designing with empathy, redesigning

design brief

a concise description of the features of a problem that clarifies the need, want or opportunity to be resolved; indicates the ways forward to solving the problem; provides a basis from which students can apply some or all of the stages of the design process

design challenge

an assessment technique; an examination that requires students to design a response to a design problem in a period of focused design work to meet a deadline

design concepts

possible solutions to a design problem; synthesised ideas that result from the progression of multiple ideas; proposed in response to a design brief and satisfy design criteria; visualised using drawing and low-fidelity prototyping

design context

a focus related to real-world design situations that requires students to consider new knowledge and approaches to designing; the contexts used in this syllabus are limited to commercial design, human-centred design and sustainable design

design criteria

provide explicit information to enable the evaluation of the appropriateness of design ideas and concepts; are identified by investigating stakeholders’ needs and wants together with the principles of good design

design information

declarative knowledge about design acted on by the cognitive, metacognitive and self-systems; includes data about stakeholders, existing designs and related aesthetic, cultural, economic, social and technical influences

design problems

difficulties, obstacles or challenges defined as a result of exploring a need, want or opportunity; require the application of a design process to balance aesthetic, cultural, economic, social and technical features when developing design concepts in response to the problem; may be defined and described by the teacher or student depending on the stage of the course and the teaching, learning and assessment purpose

design process

used to solve design problems;

it is iterative, emphasising the recursive and reflective nature of design;

more than one design process exists and similarities exist in all design processes; various design processes are accepted practice

design styles

characterised by attributes that make a design notable and historically identifiable; evolve slowly over time, reflecting changing fashions and new ideas

design thinking

thinking process of a designer engaged in the activity of design; visualising and devising creative ideas, and evaluating those ideas that best meet the criteria for success; includes divergent and convergent thinking; divergent thinking supports creativity and the devising of a range of ideas, and convergent thinking supports the selection of a preferred concept

designed solution

a product, service or environment that has been created for a specific purpose or intention as a result of design thinking, design processes and production processes


people who plan the look or workings of something prior to it being made; include architects, digital media designers, fashion designers, graphic designers, industrial designers, interior designers and landscape architects (Design Institute of Australia, Australian Institute of Architects)


executed with great attention to the fine points; meticulous; including many of the parts or facts; related to the elaboration of creative ideas (Torrance, 1998)


establish, conclude or ascertain after consideration, observation, investigation or calculation; decide or come to a resolution


a phase of the design process that includes divergent and convergent thinking to devise ideas and synthesise design concepts; elaborate, expand or enlarge in detail; add detail and fullness to; cause to become more complex or intricate


two-dimensional drawings that depict the true shape of the surface of a three-dimensional object and often contain detail about folding and transitions from different shapes; also called a net or pattern


think out; plan; contrive; invent


abstract symbolic representations used to organise information, ideas or objects according to some visualisation technique; often 2D and geometric; symbols, charts, graphs and maps are forms of diagrams


identify the difference/s in or between two or more things; distinguish; discriminate; recognise or ascertain what makes something distinct from similar things;

in mathematics, obtain the derivative of a function

digital disruption

a change as a result of new digital technologies that affects the value proposition of existing products, services and environments

digital media designers

develop and prepare information (text, symbols, colours, pictures, animation, video and sound) for either digital interactive or digital sequential audience requirements; designers work on the user interface (UI), which mostly refers to how users navigate through complex digital experiences, and user experience (UX), or the total experience of the user as they move through a website or application (app); includes games designers, website designers, multimedia designers, app designers

digital low-fidelity prototype

a category of low-fidelity prototyping; includes interactive or sequential experiences

digital presentation

presentation software to communicate design ideas in sequence


discriminating; showing intellectual perception; showing good judgment; making thoughtful and astute choices; selected for value or relevance


note, observe or recognise a difference; make or constitute a distinction in or between; differentiate; distinguish as different


differentiating; distinctive; perceiving differences or distinctions with nicety; possessing discrimination; perceptive and judicious; making judgments about quality; having or showing refined taste or good judgment


examine by argument; sift the considerations for and against; debate; talk or write about a topic, including a range of arguments, factors or hypotheses; consider, taking into account different issues and ideas, points for and/or against, and supporting opinions or conclusions with evidence


disconnected; incoherent; lacking a coherent order/sequence or connection


recognise as distinct or different; note points of difference between; discriminate; discern; make clear a difference/s between two or more concepts or items

divergent thinking

generate creative ideas by exploring many possible concepts; creating choices


of various kinds or forms; different from each other


support (e.g. an assertion, claim, statement) with evidence (e.g. decisive information, written references, citations)

draw conclusions

make a judgment based on reasoning and evidence


representation by lines used to represent abstract ideas, and 2D and 3D objects; produced manually or software assisted; may be informal or formal



a feature of a design problem concerning for example costs, time, client expectations of quality


successful in producing the intended, desired or expected result; meeting the assigned purpose


working in a well-organised and competent way; maximum productivity with minimal expenditure of effort; acting or producing effectively with a minimum of waste, expense or unnecessary effort


a component or constituent part of a complex whole; a fundamental, essential or irreducible part of a composite entity


simple or uncompounded; relating to or dealing with elements, rudiments or first principles (of a subject);

of the most basic kind; straightforward and uncomplicated

elements and principles of visual communication

the elements form the basic components of visual communication; they are acted upon by principles that are ways of arranging or organising the elements; principles are things that can be repeatedly and dependably done with elements to produce some sort of visual effect


a drawing of a single view such as a front, rear or side view of an object or environment

empathy map

used to gain a deeper insight into stakeholders; a stakeholder is depicted in the middle of a page surrounded by topics such as think and feel, see, hear, say and do, pain and gain

end user

the person, group or community that uses the product


a designed solution; a place or space; may be constructed or digital; related to architecture, interior design, landscape architecture, digital media design

environmental sustainability

practices that have minimal impact on ecosystems’ health, allow renewal of natural systems and value environmental qualities that support life


understanding of the activity of humans to maximise their wellbeing and their productive use of products, services or systems;

concerned with physical, mental and emotional impacts on users of the design concept


based on or containing error; mistaken; incorrect


absolutely necessary; indispensable; of critical importance for achieving something


moral principles that govern the behaviour of a person or group


make an appraisal by weighing up or assessing strengths, implications and limitations; make judgments about ideas, works, solutions or methods in relation to selected criteria; examine and determine the merit, value or significance of something, based on criteria


a supervised test that assesses the application of a range of cognitions to one or more provided items such as questions, scenarios and/or problems; student responses are completed individually, under supervised conditions, and in a set timeframe


investigate, inspect or scrutinise; inquire or search into; consider or discuss an argument or concept in a way that uncovers the assumptions and interrelationships of the issue


try out or test new ideas or methods, especially in order to discover or prove something; undertake or perform a scientific procedure to test a hypothesis, make a discovery or demonstrate a known fact


make an idea or situation plain or clear by describing it in more detail or revealing relevant facts; give an account; provide additional information

explanatory sketch

three-dimensional representations that show the relationship between parts of an object or idea; may also be referred to as exploded or open and in line for assembly


clearly and distinctly expressing all that is meant; unequivocal; clearly developed or formulated; leaving nothing merely implied or suggested


look into both closely and broadly; scrutinise; inquire into or discuss something in detail;

in Design, a phase of the design process that requires an inquiry into human needs, wants and opportunities to define a design problem; includes investigation and analysis


convey, show or communicate (e.g. a thought, opinion, feeling, emotion, idea or viewpoint)

in words, art, music or movement, convey or suggest a representation of; depict

extended response

an open-ended assessment technique that focuses on the interpretation, analysis, examination and/or evaluation of ideas and information in response to a particular situation or stimulus; while students may undertake some research when writing of an extended response, it is not the focus of this technique; an extended response occurs over an extended and defined period of time

Extension subject

a two-unit subject (Units 3 and 4), for which a syllabus has been developed by the QCAA, that is an extension of one or more General subject/s and studied concurrently with, or after the completion of, Units 3 and 4 of that subject


of great extent; wide; broad; far-reaching; comprehensive; lengthy; detailed; large in amount or scale

external assessment

summative assessment that occurs towards the end of a course of study and is common to all schools; developed and marked by the QCAA according to a commonly applied marking scheme

external examination

a supervised test, developed and marked by the QCAA, that assesses the application of a range of cognitions to multiple provided items such as questions, scenarios and/or problems; student responses are completed individually, under supervised conditions, and in a set timeframe


infer or estimate by extending or projecting known information; conjecture; infer from what is known; extend the application of something (e.g. a method or conclusion) to an unknown situation by assuming that existing trends will continue or similar methods will be applicable


modifying existing designs in some straightforward way



relating to or based on facts; concerned with what is actually the case; actually occurring; having verified existence


well-acquainted; thoroughly conversant with; well known from long or close association; often encountered or experienced; common;

(of materials, texts, skills or circumstances) having been the focus of learning experiences or previously encountered in learning activities

fashion designers

influence the design and development of clothing, accessories, footwear and other items of personal apparel; consider historical development and styles, and rely heavily on illustration skills and the making of samples to communicate designs; meet marketing, manufacturing and financial requirements to arrive at the optimum design; consider both functional and aesthetic aspects and pay particular attention to relationship of the apparel to the human form (Design Institute of Australia)


capable of being achieved, accomplished or put into effect; reasonable enough to be believed or accepted; probable; likely


distinctive attributes, characteristics, properties or qualities of something

flat drawings

used in fashion to represent garment details

flow chart

a diagram that shows step-by-step progression through a procedure or system especially using connecting lines, arrows and a set of conventional symbols


spoken or written with ease; able to speak or write smoothly, easily or readily; articulate; eloquent;

in artistic performance, characteristic of a highly developed and excellently controlled technique; polished; flowing smoothly, easily and effortlessly


in a graceful and seemingly effortless manner; in a way that progresses smoothly and readily

form study

rough arrangement of form to allow early exploration of design ideas

formative assessment

assessment whose major purpose is to improve teaching and student achievement


disorganised; broken down; disjointed or isolated


happening or occurring often at short intervals; constant, habitual, or regular

functional relationships diagram

freehand drawings that use bubbles and diagrammatic symbols to graphically depict the functions and relationships of adjacent elements of a design


forming a necessary base or core; of central importance; affecting or relating to the essential nature of something; part of a foundation or basis


gap in the market

an unmet stakeholder need or want or a group people who are not yet using an existing product, service or environment; represent opportunities for companies to increase awareness to reach an untapped market

General subject

a subject for which a syllabus has been developed by the QCAA with the following characteristics: results from courses developed from General syllabuses contribute to the QCE; General subjects have an external assessment component; results may contribute to ATAR calculations


produce; create; bring into existence

good design

see ‘principles of good design’

graphic designers

develop and prepare information for physical or digital publication with particular emphasis on clarity of visual communication and the matching of information to audience requirements; use text-based communication and symbols, colours and pictures (Design Institute of Australia)

graphic organiser

a visualisation method that uses visual symbols to represent structured thinking; graphic organisers make thinking processes visible by showing connections between ideas and data; examples include concept maps, flow charts and cause-and-effect patterns

graphics software

used for the production of 2D imagery specifically for graphic design purposes; some packages are vector graphics — based and used to produce images that do not lose clarity during magnification or reduction (lossless format) for the construction of logos, stationery, etc.; other packages are raster graphics — based and used in the manipulation of photographs and other images with graduated colourings and tones; raster images, due to the fact that they rely on the differentiation of pixel colour, can lose clarity during magnification or reduction (lossy format)



relating to or characteristic of people; characterised by the weaknesses and faults of ordinary people


formulate a supposition to account for known facts or observed occurrences; conjecture, theorise, speculate, especially on uncertain or tentative grounds



thoughts, notions or suggestions as to a possible course of action

idea sketch

generated freehand as quick representations of conceptual ideas; instantly captures an idea visualised in the mind for later use and therefore lacks presentation quality; may be whole or part of an envisaged idea; usually in pencil using lines and very basic rendering


a category of drawing; representations of mental images that aid in the exploration and development of design ideas; such sketches may be very informal and conceptual or relatively accurate, but their purpose is the rapid devising and testing of design ideas


distinguish; locate, recognise and name; establish or indicate who or what someone or something is; provide an answer from a number of possibilities; recognise and state a distinguishing factor or feature


lacking sense or sound reasoning; contrary to or disregardful of the rules of logic; unreasonable


a category of drawing; may be produced using manual freehand techniques or software assisted; used to communicate what a refined design concept would look like; often includes colour, rendering and contextual features such as backgrounds; usually produced using pencil, ink and markers; may be a pictorial view or orthographic view


a marked effect or influence, e.g. social impact results in immediate or noticeable change; digital disruption


put something into effect, e.g. a plan or proposal


implied, rather than expressly stated; not plainly expressed; capable of being inferred from something else


not probable; unlikely to be true or to happen; not easy to believe


not accurate


not suitable or proper in the circumstances


lacking agreement, as one thing with another, or two or more things in relation to each other; at variance; not consistent; not in keeping; not in accordance; incompatible; incongruous


thinking or acting for oneself, not influenced by others


comprehensive and with thorough coverage; extensive or profound; well-balanced or fully developed


derive or conclude something from evidence and reasoning, rather than from explicit statements; listen or read beyond what has been literally expressed; imply or hint at


knowledgeable; learned; having relevant knowledge; being conversant with the topic; based on an understanding of the facts of the situation (of a decision or judgment)


new and original; introducing new ideas; original and creative in thinking


showing understanding of a situation or process; understanding relationships in complex situations; informed by observation and deduction

instrument-specific marking guide

ISMG; a tool for marking that describes the characteristics evident in student responses and aligns with the identified objectives for the assessment

(see ‘assessment objectives’)



necessary for the completeness of the whole; essential or fundamental;


in mathematics, the result of integration; an expression from which a given function, equation or system of equations is derived by differentiation

intellectual property

a legal concept that refers to creations of a mind for which exclusive rights are recognised; common types of intellectual property include copyright, trademarks, patents and designs


designed; meant; done on purpose; intentional


a form of digital prototype that simulates the two-way flow of information between a computer and user; website or mobile application simulation

interface wireframe

conceptual representations of interfaces lacking media assets suitable for early testing

internal assessment

assessments that are developed by schools;

summative internal assessments are endorsed by the QCAA before use in schools, and results are externally confirmed and contribute towards a student’s final result


use knowledge and understanding to recognise trends and draw conclusions from given information; make clear or explicit; elucidate or understand in a particular way;

bring out the meaning of, e.g. a dramatic or musical work, by performance or execution; bring out the meaning of an artwork by artistic representation or performance; give one’s own interpretation of;

identify or draw meaning from, or give meaning to, information presented in various forms, such as words, symbols, pictures or graphs


combining existing ideas in new ways


carry out an examination or formal inquiry in order to establish or obtain facts and reach new conclusions; search, inquire into, interpret and draw conclusions about data and information


an assessment technique that requires students to research a specific problem, question, issue, design challenge or hypothesis through the collection, analysis and synthesis of primary and/or secondary data; it uses research or investigative practices to assess a range of cognitions in a particular context; an investigation occurs over an extended and defined period of time


not relevant; not applicable or pertinent; not connected with or relevant to something


instrument-specific marking guide; a tool for marking that describes the characteristics evident in student responses and aligns with the identified objectives for the assessment

(see ‘assessment objectives’)


detached, separate or unconnected with other things; one-off; something set apart or characterised as different in some way

isometric sketch

a pictorial representation of a product or environment


recursive; revisiting earlier parts of a process to further clarify meaning or refine ideas and concepts



form an opinion or conclusion about; apply both procedural and deliberative operations to make a determination

junk model

rough physical model created from sundry available resources used for gauging size, proportion or ergonomics


sound reasons or evidence are provided to support an argument, statement or conclusion


give reasons or evidence to support an answer, response or conclusion; show or prove how an argument, statement or conclusion is right or reasonable



a scheme for the arrangement of text and visual assets on a screen or page

learning area

a grouping of subjects, with related characteristics, within a broad field of learning, e.g. the Arts, sciences, languages

line drawing

a drawing done using only narrow lines, without blocks of shading


rational and valid; internally consistent; reasonable; reasoning in accordance with the principles/rules of logic or formal argument;

characterised by or capable of clear, sound reasoning; (of an action, decision, etc.) expected or sensible under the circumstances


according to the rules of logic or formal argument; in a way that shows clear, sound reasoning; in a way that is expected or sensible

low-fidelity prototyping

used throughout the design process to quickly and simply move ideas and design concepts from abstract to reality to clarify understanding and inform further exploration and development; a simple, non-functional, three-dimensional, digital interactive or digital sequential representation using basic processes, materials or software that may be unrelated to how a final designed solution is produced, e.g. stop-motion animation of a mobile application rather than a coded solution or clay models of a handheld item to confirm the application of ergonomic data about a user’s grip; algorithms to represent coding and sketches to represent user interface


make decisions

select from available options; weigh up positives and negatives of each option and consider all the alternatives to arrive at a position


adapt or change to suit one’s purpose


an experimental representation of a product or environment (a word borrowed from sculpture but with altered meaning)

massing model

rough study of volumes; used in architecture

mental procedures

a domain of knowledge in Marzano’s taxonomy and acted upon by the cognitive, metacognitive and self-systems; sometimes referred to as ‘procedural knowledge’;

there are three distinct phases to the acquisition of mental procedures: the cognitive stage, the associative stage and the autonomous stage; the two categories of mental procedures are skills (single rules, algorithms and tactics) and processes (macroprocedures)


performed, disposed or acting in a systematic way; orderly; characterised by method or order; performed or carried out systematically

mind map

a purposeful diagram used to visually organise information; allows the abstract relationships between ideas to be explored and refined; visual representations may include images, words and parts of words; usually a central idea or concept is placed in the middle and associated ideas arranged around


least possible; small; the least amount; negligible

mobile application

a type of software application that uses hardware functionality and runs on a mobile device, such as a smartphone or tablet computer; often provides users with similar services to those accessed on desktop computers


arrangements of text and pictures to be printed; models or replicas of an object, used for demonstration, evaluation, promotion purposes


a physical or digital representation of an idea or design concept that describes, simplifies, clarifies or provides an explanation of an idea or design concept


change the form or qualities of; make partial or minor changes to something

motion graphics

sequential representations of images and sound; video; animation; digital multimedia presentation


uses a combination of at least two modes (e.g. spoken, written), delivered at the same time, to communicate ideas and information to a live or virtual audience for a particular purpose; the selected modes are integrated so that each mode contributes significantly to the response


consisting of, having, or involving a great number of individuals, parts, elements, relations; numerous; related to the fluency of creative ideas, as many ideas as possible (Torrance, 1998)



limited in range or scope; lacking breadth of view; limited in amount; barely sufficient or adequate; restricted


showing a subtle difference or distinction in expression, meaning, response, etc.; finely differentiated;

characterised by subtle shades of meaning or expression; a subtle distinction, variation or quality; sensibility to, awareness of, or ability to express delicate shadings, as of meaning, feeling or value



see ‘syllabus objectives’, ‘unit objectives’, ‘assessment objectives’


something that may be perceived by the senses, especially by sight or touch; a visible or tangible thing; household products, fashion items, furniture, buildings, structures


clearly perceptible or evident; easily seen, recognised or understood

open-ended problems

loosely structured and complex, having no one correct solution or solution path and requiring students to comprehend and apply a breadth and depth of knowledge during problem-solving


best; most favourable under a particular set of circumstances

organisational diagram

a diagram of relationships between people, roles or objects in a system


arrange; order; form as or into a whole consisting of interdependent or coordinated parts, especially for harmonious or united action


systematically ordered and arranged; having a formal organisational structure to arrange, coordinate and carry out activities


views that describe the form of a three-dimensional object projected onto two-dimensional planes; often used to communicate a refined design concept


exceptionally good; clearly noticeable; prominent; conspicuous; striking



not total or general; existing only in part; attempted, but incomplete


distinguished or different from others or from the ordinary; noteworthy


an intellectual property right granted for any device, substance, method or process that is new, inventive and useful


arrangement of parts to be cut from a flat sheet of material


having or showing insight and the ability to perceive or understand; discerning (see also ‘discriminating’)


an assessment technique that requires students to demonstrate a range of cognitive, technical, creative and/or expressive skills and to apply theoretical and conceptual understandings, through the psychomotor domain; it involves student application of identified skills when responding to a task that involves solving a problem, providing a solution or conveying meaning or intent; a performance is developed over an extended and defined period of time


a representation of a product or environment as seen by the human eye


capable of changing someone’s ideas, opinions or beliefs; appearing worthy of approval or acceptance; (of an argument or statement) communicating reasonably or credibly

(see also ‘convincing’)

perusal time

time allocated in an assessment to reading items and tasks and associated assessment materials; no writing is allowed; students may not make notes and may not commence responding to the assessment in the response space/book

physical low-fidelity prototype

a category of low-fidelity prototyping; three-dimensional, generated by cutting, joining and forming materials such as paper, card, wood, glass, metal, clay, plastic and textile

pictorial sketch

a sketch that allows experimentation with the appearance of an object or environment


a short spoken and visual presentation used by designers to communicate the strengths, limitations and implications of a design concept; may be for a live or virtual audience

planning time

time allocated in an assessment to planning how to respond to items and tasks and associated assessment materials; students may make notes but may not commence responding to the assessment in the response space/book; notes made during planning are not collected, nor are they graded or used as evidence of achievement


credible and possible

points of view

mental positions or viewpoints; related to the flexibility of creative ideas (Torrance, 1998)


flawless or excellent; performed with skilful ease


definite or exact; definitely or strictly stated, defined or fixed; characterised by definite or exact expression or execution


accuracy; exactness; exact observance of forms in conduct or actions


give an expected result of an upcoming action or event; suggest what may happen based on available information

presentation sketches and drawings

intended to explain a design concept and to promote its merits; usually includes rendering to add surface textures, colour, shadows and/or reflections to show the visual qualities of a design more realistically

primary data

includes information in its most original and authentic form taken from observations, interviews, questionnaires and experiments


specific types of generalisations that deal with relationships; a proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behaviour or for a chain of reasoning

principles of good design

innovative, useful, aesthetic, accessible, enduring, sustainable; derived from Dieter Rams’ ‘Ten principles of good design’ (Vitsoe 2017) and Good Design Australia (www.gooddesignaustralia.com)

problem-based learning

an active, constructivist process that incorporates the use of open-ended problems as a stimulus for student learning


an assessment technique that focuses on the output or result of a process requiring the application of a range of cognitive, physical, technical, creative and/or expressive skills, and theoretical and conceptual understandings; a product is developed over an extended and defined period of time

in Technologies, a designed solution; a tangible end result of a human, construction, mechanical, manufacturing or digital process; created by practical application of knowledge and skills;


well advanced or expert in any art, science or subject; competent, skilled or adept in doing or using something


development towards an improved or more advanced outcome; to refine an idea or design concept


an assessment technique that focuses on a problem-solving process requiring the application of a range of cognitive, technical and creative skills, and theoretical understandings; the response is a coherent work that documents the iterative process undertaken to develop a solution and includes written paragraphs and notes, diagrams, sketches, drawings, photographs, video, spoken presentations, low-fidelity prototypes; a project is developed over an extended and defined period of time

proof of concept

a form of prototype used to test the feasibility of an idea; usually small or representative of an aspect or part of a bigger idea; may not be complete


put forward (e.g. a point of view, idea, argument, suggestion) for consideration or action


use a sequence of steps to obtain the required result in a formal way

psychomotor procedures

a domain of knowledge in Marzano’s taxonomy, and acted upon by the cognitive, metacognitive and self-systems; these are physical procedures used to negotiate daily life and to engage in complex physical activities; the two categories of psychomotor procedures are skills (foundational procedures and simple combination procedures) and processes (complex combination procedures)


having an intended or desired result; having a useful purpose; determined; resolute; full of meaning; significant; intentional



Queensland Certificate of Education



create or make (e.g. a musical, artistic or dramatic work); actualise; make real or concrete; give reality or substance to


endowed with reason; having sound judgment; fair and sensible; based on good sense; average; appropriate; moderate


logical and sound; based on logic or good sense; logically thought out and presented with justification; guided by reason; well-grounded; considered


remember; present remembered ideas, facts or experiences; bring something back into thought, attention or into one’s mind


identify or recall particular features of information from knowledge; identify that an item, characteristic or quality exists; perceive as existing or true; be aware of or acknowledge


developed or improved so as to be precise, exact or subtle

reflect on

think about deeply and carefully


practised; previously experienced; practised extensively


associated with or linked to


being related to the matter at hand


bearing upon or connected with the matter in hand; to the purpose; applicable and pertinent; having a direct bearing on

rendered drawing

a fairly realistic depiction of the appearance of an object, place or design intended to communicate design intent to the layperson, such as a client or user

rendered sketch

a partially or fully coloured simulation of the appearance of an object or place


containing or characterised by repetition, especially when unnecessary or tiresome


providing information that succinctly describes student performance at different junctures throughout a course of study


portray or depict in some type of non-linguistic form to comprehend knowledge


to wish to have; identified from stakeholders’ needs and wants related to aesthetic, cultural, economic, social and technical features; used to inform criteria against which to evaluate


in the Arts, consolidate and communicate intent through a synthesis of ideas and application of media to express meaning


often encountered, previously experienced; commonplace; customary and regular; well-practised; performed as part of a regular procedure, rather than for a special reason


relating to rudiments or first principles; elementary; undeveloped; involving or limited to basic principles; relating to an immature, undeveloped or basic form



secure; not risky

scale models

small-scaled representations of environments or objects that can’t practically be built during the design of a project


a category of drawing; an abstract representation that aids in the conceptualisation of relationships between design information and aspects of design ideas; schematic sketches may be used to record and analyse knowledge and data


three-dimensional free-form representation of products using the removal or addition of material

secondary data

includes published data from books, magazines, newspapers, journals and periodicals; electronic data such as documentaries; government records such as surveys, records, census data and other statistical reports; internet resources


allow internal and external features to be considered simultaneously


sure; certain; able to be counted on; self-confident; poised; dependable; confident; assured; not liable to fail


choose in preference to another or others; pick out


capable of perceiving with a sense or senses; aware of the attitudes, feelings or circumstances of others;

having acute mental or emotional sensibility; relating to or connected with the senses or sensation


place in a continuous or connected series; arrange in a particular order


a form of digital prototype that simulates the presentation of information by a computer using images, text and sound; motion graphics


a designed solution; a less tangible outcome (compared to products) of processes to meet a need or want; services may involve development or maintenance of a system, e.g. cloud computing (software as a service), communication, transportation and water management; services can be communicated by charts, diagrams, models, posters and procedures


provide the relevant reasoning to support a response

side and top views

informal drawings employed for conceptual development of objects


important; of consequence; expressing a meaning; indicative; includes all that is important; sufficiently great or important to be worthy of attention; noteworthy; having a particular meaning; indicative of something


easy to understand, deal with and use; not complex or complicated; plain; not elaborate or artificial;

may concern a single or basic aspect; involving few elements, components or steps


characterised by extreme simplification, especially if misleading; oversimplified


the representation of a product, service or environment that imitates a real or idealised situation


execute a drawing or painting in simple form, giving essential attributes but not necessarily with detail or accuracy;

in mathematics, represent by means of a diagram or graph; the sketch should give a general idea of the required shape or relationship and should include attributes

in Technologies, a two-dimensional informal visualisation method completed freehand, often instantly capturing an idea for later use and therefore lacking in presentation quality; sketches are usually produced manually, using pencil, ink and paper, but may be software-assisted

sketch plan

informal drawing employed for conceptual floor plan ideation and development


having technical facility or practical ability; possessing, showing, involving or requiring skill; expert; dexterous;

demonstrating the knowledge, ability or training to perform a certain activity or task well; trained, practised or experienced


having or showing the knowledge, ability or training to perform a certain activity or task well; having skill; trained or experienced; showing, involving or requiring skill


a feature of a design problem concerning fashions, trends, tastes, demographics


find an answer to, explanation for or means of dealing with (e.g. a problem);

work out the answer or solution to (e.g. a mathematical problem); obtain the answer/s using algebraic, numerical and/or graphical methods


of intellectual complexity; reflecting a high degree of skill, intelligence, etc.; employing advanced or refined methods or concepts; highly developed or complicated


clearly defined or identified; precise and clear in making statements or issuing instructions; having a special application or reference; explicit or definite; peculiar or proper to something, as qualities, characteristics, effects, etc.

spoken communication

includes verbal and non-verbal features and may be for live or virtual audiences


happening now and again or at intervals; irregular or occasional; appearing in scattered or isolated instances


people or groups with an interest or concern in the design process, such as users, designers, consumers, audience and clients


without difficulty; uncomplicated; direct; easy to do or understand



give a pattern, organisation or arrangement to; construct or arrange according to a plan;


in languages, arrangement of words into larger units, e.g. phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs and whole texts, in line with cultural, intercultural and textual conventions


organised or arranged to produce a desired result

study sketch

2D visual design representations used for investigating the appearance and visual impact of ideas, such as aspects of geometric proportion, configuration, scale, layout and mechanism


a branch or area of knowledge or learning defined by a syllabus; school subjects are usually based in a discipline or field of study

(see also ‘course’)

subject matter

the subject-specific body of information, mental procedures and psychomotor procedures that are necessary for students’ learning and engagement within that subject


of ample or considerable amount, quantity, size, etc.; of real worth or value; firmly or solidly established; of real significance; reliable; important; worthwhile


established by proof or competent evidence


fine or delicate in meaning or intent; making use of indirect methods; not straightforward or obvious


achieving or having achieved success; accomplishing a desired aim or result


expressed in few words; concise; terse; characterised by conciseness or brevity; brief and clear


enough or adequate for the purpose


appropriate; fitting; conforming or agreeing in nature, condition or action


give a brief statement of a general theme or major point/s; present ideas and information in fewer words and in sequence

summative assessment

assessment whose major purpose is to indicate student achievement; summative assessments contribute towards a student’s subject result


concerned with or comprehending only what is on the surface or obvious; shallow; not profound, thorough, deep or complete;

existing or occurring at or on the surface; cursory; lacking depth of character or understanding; apparent and sometimes trivial


corroborated; given greater credibility by providing evidence


designs that can be supported indefinitely in terms of their economic, social and ecological impact on the wellbeing of humans


carried on continuously, without interruption, or without any diminishing of intensity or extent


a document that prescribes the curriculum for a course of study

syllabus objectives

outline of what the school is required to teach and what students have the opportunity to learn; described in terms of actions that operate on the subject matter; the overarching objectives for a course of study

(see also ‘unit objectives’, ‘assessment objectives’)


represent or identify by a symbol or symbols


combine different parts or elements (e.g. information, ideas, components) into a whole, in order to create new understanding


done or acting according to a fixed plan or system; methodical; organised and logical;

having, showing or involving a system, method or plan; characterised by system or method; methodical; arranged in or comprising an ordered system


a group of interacting objects, materials or processes that form an integrated whole; systems can be open or closed; a system has properties and/or functions that can be described differently from its component parts; systems can be identified as four types:

- natural systems, e.g. an ecosystem including plants and animals

- designed physical systems, e.g. buildings, road networks, aircraft, airports

- designed abstract systems, e.g. mathematic equations, computer algorithms

- human activity systems, e.g. a team task, flight crew, human–machine interface


tame problem

well understood and defined, and can be addressed in isolation


capable of being touched; discernible by the touch; material or substantial


a feature of a design problem concerning use, function, sustainability, physical dimensions, ergonomics


procedures or skills used in a task


materials, data, systems, components, tools and equipment


flexible rulers and French curves used to assist the drawing of curves, circles, shapes, figures


take measures to check the quality, performance or reliability of something

test rigs

partial representation of a design that affords testing of limited function


carried out through, or applied to, the whole of something; carried out completely and carefully; including all that is required;

complete attention to every detail; not superficial or partial; performed or written with care and completeness; taking pains to do something carefully and completely


occupied with or given to thought; contemplative; meditative; reflective; characterised by or manifesting thought

three-dimensional object

used to visualise design ideas in a form that has depth; it includes models created from the manual cutting, joining and forming of materials or the output of a 3D printer

time-based media

used to visually design ideas that use time as a dimension; measured in duration, e.g. film, video, animation, computer-based technologies


an early version of a garment made in cheap material so that the design can be tested


a division or sub-section within a unit; all topics/sub-topics within a unit are interrelated


an intellectual property right granted for a letter, number, word, phrase, sound, smell, shape, logo, picture, aspect of packaging or any combination of these, which is used to distinguish goods and services of one trader from those of another

two-dimensional media

used to visualise design ideas as sketches and drawings that exist on a flat surface; it includes two-dimensional and three-dimensional images



not clear or distinct; not easy to understand; obscure


perceive what is meant by something; grasp; be familiar with (e.g. an idea); construct meaning from messages, including oral, written and graphic communication


unequal; not properly corresponding or agreeing; irregular; varying; not uniform; not equally balanced


not previously encountered; situations or materials that have not been the focus of prior learning experiences or activities


unusual or special in some way; different in some way; related to the originality of creative ideas (Torrance, 1998)


a defined amount of subject matter delivered in a specific context or with a particular focus; it includes unit objectives particular to the unit, subject matter and assessment direction

unit objectives

drawn from the syllabus objectives and contextualised for the subject matter and requirements of a particular unit; they are assessed at least once in the unit

(see also ‘syllabus objectives’, ‘assessment objectives’)


having no relationship; unconnected


operate or put into effect; apply knowledge or rules to put theory into practice


how well the design fulfils its intended purpose



not definite in statement or meaning; not explicit or precise; not definitely fixed, determined or known; of uncertain, indefinite or unclear character or meaning; not clear in thought or understanding;

couched in general or indefinite terms; not definitely or precisely expressed; deficient in details or particulars;

thinking or communicating in an unfocused or imprecise way


sound, just or well-founded; authoritative; having a sound basis in logic or fact (of an argument or point); reasonable or cogent; able to be supported; legitimate and defensible; applicable



apt or liable to vary or change; changeable; inconsistent; (readily) susceptible or capable of variation; fluctuating; uncertain;


in mathematics, a symbol, or the quantity it signifies, that may represent any one of a given set of numbers and other objects


a number or range of things of different kinds, or the same general class, that are distinct in character or quality;

(of sources) a number of different modes or references

virtual reality

digital models that are viewed or interacted with stereoscopically

visual communication

includes photographs, sketches, drawings, diagrams and models


the representation of information and imagined ideas as drawings and low-fidelity prototypes; used by designers to progress ideas held in memory



used in interior design, architecture and landscape architecture to simulate the experience of moving through designed environment

website architecture diagram

a diagram communicating the relationships between website content


good or satisfactory condition of existence

wicked problem

cannot be understood or defined completely and can have hard-to-predict impacts on other systems or problems


of great range or scope; embracing a great number or variety of subjects, cases, etc.; of full extent

with expression

in words, art, music or movement, conveying or indicating feeling, spirit, character, etc.; a way of expressing or representing something; vivid, effective or persuasive communication

written communication

includes language conventions, design-specific vocabulary and language features such as notes, paragraphs and sentences