
Exploring Client needs and wants

How do economics, society and culture influence designers and how do designers influence economics, culture and society?

In this topic you will consider:

> demographic information about a client

> economic, social and cultural information

> constraints such as available time, physical realities and legalities

the important role of the client as a stakeholder in commercial design

and analyse the economic, social and cultural factors that influence how designers respond to the expectation of clients, e.g.

> design as a commercial endeavour that must balance costs, time and client expectations.

> desire for an increase or improvement in the standard of living and physical quality of life.

> fashions, trends and tastes.

> demographic groups that respond differently to designs.

> established beliefs, values and traditions of individuals, groups of people and countries.

> ethical influences, stances and generally acceptable designs and visual representations within a community.

> ethical design and moral responsibility of designers.

> protocols that describe appropriate ways of interacting with designers, communities and the cultural material of Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples

> historical perspectives

and analyse how designers and design styles have influenced changes in the economy, society and culture, e.g.

> consumerism and consumer choice, the capacity to invent new markets and design for a ‘gap in the market’

> technological advances that remove economic limitations on possible designs

> impacts on different socio-economic groups when new designs are introduced

> designs facilitating how people live and engage in social activity

> brand development and advertising as the communication of a value proposition in society

> digital disruption