recognise that professional designers work in teams because of the advantage of multiple perspectives on a design problem |

demonstrate the habits of effective design teams and understand how individual behaviour can promote these habits, specifically
> clear and shared goals
> mutual trust and support (safe space)
> open communication
> democratic processes
> diverse skill sets and personality types |

look at design teams and team roles, e.g. coordinator, goal setter, troubleshooter, clarifier, opinion seeker, encourager |

recognise the importance of documenting individual and collective work when working within a team of designers |

demonstrate an understanding of design ethics (http://www.design.org.au/code-of-ethics), specifically designers’ responsibility to the client and other designers |

devise multiple ideas using collaborative divergent thinking strategies and information about the influence of economic, social and cultural issues |

evaluate how well ideas match design criteria and make improvements to refine ideas |

select and use the drawing and low-fidelity prototyping skills that best represent the ideas, and use sequences of representations to progress and improve ideas |

maintain visual and written or spoken record of individual contribution in design processes |
recognise the different kinds of intellectual property including copyright, patents, trademarks and designs and how they apply to the process of design (www.ipaustralia.gov.au) |
synthesise multiple ideas and economic, social and cultural influences using convergent thinking strategies to propose design concepts |
represent design concepts using the appropriate drawing and low-fidelity prototyping to best represent the attributes of the design |
evaluate the strengths, limitations and implications of design concepts against the design criteria to improve design concepts; use written notes to indicate how concepts have been improved |

recognise that the acceptance of a new design concept requires the designer to consider the influence of economic, social and cultural issues from the client’s perspective |
demonstrate how design teams use a spoken pitch to present design proposals to clients |

prepare presentations that pitch design proposals to clients, considering
> client demographics
> key attributes of the design proposal in regards to economic, social and cultural influences
> that designs may have positive consequences in some communities and negative influences in others
> the role of graphic designers in developing and promoting new designs through advertising and publicity
> the benefits of building a positive user experience and appropriate messages
> appropriate visual, written and spoken features |
work as a team to present visual and spoken (live or virtual) pitches of design proposals for identified clients |
evaluate the process of collaborative design and how well teams meet goals. |