In order to Synthesise (develop) your Design Ideas you need to Evaluate their effectiveness. This allows you to select the best parts from all your ideas and combine them together to make a better design. In groups of three you need to: |

evaluate each others design ideas by comparing them to the original design criteria. Consider their Strengths (S), Limitations (L) and any Implications (I) |

Take it in turns to have your designs evaluated by the other two students in your group. |
You need to provide them with your designs and your criteria. |
One of the two students doing the evaluation has to write notes that will be given to the 3rd student. |
The person being evaluated should answer any direct questions about their designs but otherwise should not talk. |
At the end of your group evaluation you will each individually create your own evaluation sheet.
You can include your own evaluative comments but you must include the feedback given to you by your group.
The PDF below shows one way of presenting your evaluation. If you can think of a better way of doing it use your own method. |