
Unit 1: Design in Practice - Objectives - Topics 1, 2 & 3


You will learn to:

1. describe the features that define design problems and design criteria

2. represent ideas and design concepts using schematic sketching, ideation sketching, digital low-fidelity prototyping and physical low-fidelity prototyping in the develop phase

3. analyse needs and wants using secondary data about stakeholders and design information

4. devise ideas using divergent thinking strategies in response to design problems in the develop phase

5. synthesise ideas and design information to propose design concepts in the develop phase

6. evaluate ideas and design concepts against design criteria to make refinements

7. make decisions about and use visual and written communication for specified stakeholders.


The objectives correspond to the Design Process model we will be using throughout this course.

The objectives will also form the basis of your folio sections when you complete project work.