
Ergonomics & Anthropometrics


Ergonomics is about the relationship people have with products. When we design things we need to consider how they will be used with different types of people, male, female, disabled, young and old. Ergonomics works on a variety of levels. We need to consider things like how easy it is to open a jar to the discomfort of sitting on a bus to the positionong of the controls in a plane. Ergonomics is how a person interacts with a product.


Anthropometry is the study of data relating to body sizes. Many countries and organisations have gathered data over a number of years and designers use it to help them create products that are best suited to their target audiences.

Data is measured in percentiles. The average size is known as the 50th percentile. Most design considers between the 5th and 95th percentile which covers the majority of population.

Which pair of scissors looks the most comfortable to use?

Basic Scissors

Ergonomic Scissors

Example Student Use
Useful Resources

Online Ergonome Calculator

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