
Project Management


Good Planning and Project Management Skills are needed to effectively work through a design process and end up with a good quality design.

What skills do you need to develop in order to to undertake and manage projects?

There are many graphical ways of Planning and Managing your time. Gant Charts and Flowcharts are very popular tools. Thjey allow you to view the 'big picture' as well as plan out the sequence ogf events that need to occur. Allocating chunks of time or deadline dates is always a good idea. At each step in the plan it is necessary to review progress and if necessary make alterations. For example if you find yourself behind schedule you need to devise a stratgy to get back on time. In industry this is very important as consumers will quickly lose faith in a product. Imagine if the latest iPhone was not ready for the market at the published release date!

Gantt Chart





Schematic Drawing Methods 29-35 Project Managment Tools 4-17