
Unit 2: Analysing similar environments (Group & Individual Activities)

What you have to do

As a group you need to:

find photos of existing Cafés, Restaurants, Street Kitchens and pop up food stalls in this process

agree on a list of questions that you will use to discuss and rate the Restaurants you have found.

Shortlist ten Restaurants from the ones you have collected. Try to have a good range of environment types (with different styles and looks) so you will have more to discuss.

Print and mount the photos onto sheets of paper, with space to add comments.

Use your list of questions as a starting point for discussing the S.L.I (Strengths, Limitations & Interesting) aspects of each of your ten chosen Cafés/Restaurants.

(This is sometimes referred to as PMI - meaning Plus, Minus, Interesting)

Decide how you are going to annotate your sheets to reflect the SLI decisions you have made.

Are you going to rate the Cafés/Restaurants as well? How?

Individual Task

At the end of your group analysis you need to create a single A3 sheet that summarises what your group has discovered.

Examples - DO NOT COPY!