
Unit 2: Exploring the problem

You are to create a single sheet that contains the following information:

A description of the Problem - who is the Client, what do they want and who will be the end users (customers)

Information about the Environment - where will the restaurant be located, how much space is available. Include images if they enhance what you are saying

Create a Mind Map to analyse and brainstorm the problem. Put the word Xanadu in the centre of it and include as much detail and thoughts as possible. You are not providing answers at this stage you are asking questions and working out what you will need to consider. The more information the better.

There are a number of ways that you can create a Mind Map including freehand sketching. The recommended software is Draw.io, a free Microsoft app that you can download from the MS Store. Your work should be easy to understand and demonstrate your thinking. It can include sketches or images. It is good to present your work nicely, but the most important thing is the quality of your analysis! What you say is worth a lot more marks than how nice it looks.

Use the examples below to help you think about how you would like to present your thinking.

Examples - DO NOT COPY!
Other Mind Map Examples

Hand Drawn

Mind Master example

ClickChart example

Other Examples