
Unit 2: Devising (Design ideas)

You need a maximum of Four A3 sheets of design ideas, ideally made up of:

Plan view designs of possible layouts. These must be done as Bubble designs using a grid underlay (see examples below)

3D design sketches showing things like possible food counters (converted containers), tables, stools, stages, bins, etc. These sketches should be 'quick' sketches done using Isometric and Perspective. You should annotate your designs to explain your thinking. You can add some colour to make some items stand out.

Include image examples or real furniture, lighting, containers, umbrellas etc. and indicate where they would be positioned. Be sure to add explanatory notes detailing why you have chosen specific items.

Try to get as many design ideas on the page as quickly as possible. The aim is to get as wide a range of ideas as possible (Divergent Thinking).

Some colour helps your designs to stand out. Add comments where appropriate. Go over pencil lines in black fineliner so they stand out when you scan them.

If you prefer to sketch on A4 paper and then add the scans to your A3 folio, that is fine.

Number each design so it will be easier to evaluate them later.

Where appropriate, add explanatory notes to your 3D sketches, explaining why you have chosen to add a particular feature e.g. Edges of counters are rounded to avoid injury to customers.

Examples - DO NOT COPY!

Examples of Bubble Designs
Examples of 3D Design Sketches

The examples below are from a different project but they are all architectural. With a partner, have a look at each of the designs and discuss what you like and dislike about their layouts. Do not be put off by the writing as these are for a UK design course and the criteria is different. Take note of how much page space is used though, because large areas of white does not look good!