
Product Analysis

You are to analyse the following four products by considering how align with the six R's.

Find your own images and use the guiding questions to help you. You must present all the information on a single A3 sheet. The layout and design is up to you. Try to add as much detail to your responses as possible

i.e. Do not say 'It is easy to recycle' explain why it is easy to recycle.


Tents (after concerts)
Cups & Straws


Guiding Questions

How easy is it to recycle? What materials is it made from?

Are there any aspects of it that could be reduced, for example, to use less material?

Are there any aspects of the design or choice of materials that you should refuse to accept?

How easy is it to repair? Who could do this and how?

How might you rethink the design to make it more sustainable? What would you change?

Is it possible to reuse the product or any elements of it in other products? Give examples!