
Attract / Converse / Transact (ACT) Framework

Trevor van Gorp co-authored a book called 'Design for emotion'. van Gorp makes comparisons between the love people feel for each other and the 'love' they can feel for products.

"Some people, for example, will emphatically say how much they love certain products. But when they say they “love” products, what do they really mean? What exactly is required to feel love for a product? Is it different from the love two people might feel for one another? Is love an appropriate emotion for relationships with products?

We can gain new insights into the formation of human-product relationships by understanding how humans form relationships with one another. Let’s take a look at the different ways people experience the emotion of love to get a better understanding of what it means to “love” a product."

(Trevor van Gorp http://boxesandarrows.com/author/trevvg/)

Love for another human
Love for a Product

Another comparison could look like the image below which suggests that a persons love, for a person or a product, can become stronger over time if all the contributing factors are present. You cannot however, reach an Ideal relationship without all of them being present.

Put more simply, Passion (Aesthetics) + Intimacy (Usability) + Commitment (Usefulness) = True Love


Desirability (do users find the aesthetics appealing?)

Aesthetic properties of the product (i.e. look, sound, smell, touch, and taste)


Usability (i.e. ease of use)

How the product interacts with the user



Whether the product fulfills its function