
Tasks - Theory & Skills consolidation

Task 1

Create a one page Mind Map exploring the theme of Stakeholders. Include as much detail as possible.

1) The first sub branch should include the following groups:

>school community

> not-for-profit organisations - sporting clubs, churches and community support groups

> neighbours

> community or individuals in a foreign country

> local businesses

> an identifiable demographic group (age, gender, economic status, cultural and religious )

2) The second sub branch should give specific examples e.g. a school community = Loreto

3) The final branch must explore any unique problems you think each identified stakeholder might face.

Task 2

Working with a partner you are to identify one specific Stakeholder and one specific problem for each of the four areas listed:

> Not for profit organisation

> Demographic group

> Local business

> Neighbor

Collaborate with your partner to write a Design Brief for each stakeholder. Present them all on one A3 Publisher sheet. Use the name of each Stakeholder as a heading for the Design Brief.

Task 3

Interviewing a stakeholder (client) and presenting the information using an Empathy Map.

In pairs you are to take it in turns interviewing your partner (who is your Client or Stakeholder). There are two problem areas that are to be explored - decide who is the client and who is the designer for each.

1) Elsey, a woman in her 70s is going to a dinner dance and doesn't have a suitable piece of jewellery to compliment her dress.

2) Billy, a 12 year old boy really enjoys listening to music on his phone but the noise really annoys his older sister when she is trying to study.

Think very carefully about the questions you ask. Use Publisher or freehand sketching to create an A3 Empathy Map to present the research data you have gained from your interview.

Task 4

Part A

Write a suitable Design Brief and create a detailed Design Criteria table for the problem you explored in Task 4. Present your work on a single A3 sheet.

Part B

With a different partner, discuss both of your sheets and then download and use the attached Assessment Rubric to give each of them a mark. Provide written feedback to each other on what you think could have been done better.

Task 5

You are to use the Word List technique to brainstorm the following problem.

Emily, is a 35 year old working mum who has three children between the ages of 9 and 5, two boys and a girl. The family has a large back yard and the children have lots of outdoor toys and sports equipment. The children do not have anywhere to keep their toys and equipment so they end up leaving them lying around the yard. Emily does not like the yard always looking messy and sometimes their dog, Pickles chews the toys and breaks them.

Use the template below to help you present your work.

Template for using a Word List to stimulate design thinking

Where will the design be used or located?

Who uses or sees the design?

What does the design need to do or achieve?

What features might the design include?

How will the design be distinctive?

List all the possible locations and uses.

List every person or group that may come into contact with the design.

List all the possible functions that the design could achieve.

Be creative in listing every possible feature; practical or not. There are no wrong answers.

What could be done to the design to ensure it stands out?

Task 6

Dennis is 80 years old and although he is in pretty good health but he suffers with arthritis and consequently he finds it quite difficult getting the lids of the various tablets and vitamins he takes each day.

Using Isometric sketching techniques come up with at least six design ideas for some type of pill container that might make Dennis' life a bit easier. The container must be able to dispense the correct pills each day of the week. Use pencils, fineliners and coloured pencils to present your ideas on one sheet of A3 paper. Remember to annotate your designs!

EXAMPLE 1, Example 2

Task 7

Find an image of a Bird House and then create the following:

> A Copic marker rendered Isometric sketch of it.

> A Cross Section diagram of it.

> Fusion 360 Model - rendered as Isometric and as an exploded diagram showing how it goes together.


You must use appropriate dimensions!

Task 8

You are to create a 2 minute video presentation of your concept design for a Bird House.

The presentation is aimed at the CEO and advisors of Petbarn. It is up to you how you create you video but it must be submitted as an MP4 file