
Thinking Strategies

The image explains graphically what is meant by Divergent and Convergent Thinking.


Divergent Thinking

Relates to be being curious, inventive, innovative and open minded.

It means exploring opportunities and being flexible in your thinking.

When analysing a situation or problem, Brainstorming is an excellent method for presenting your Divergent Thinking.

When designing it means you should look for a variety of possible types of design, not just similar ones. Be creative and try different ideas out. You need a range of ideas that explore different directions and approaches.

Remember, there is always more than one way to solve a problem and ideally you want to try and find a unique solution!

Examples of Brainstorming - Concept Maps / Mind Maps / Spider Diagrams

Look at Word Lists on page 6 & 7 of your Nelson Design textbook.

Discuss with a partner where this technique could be useful.

Empathy Maps are a good way of presenting the data you have gathered in the Explore phase when you interviewed stakeholders. Click on the thumbnail images below to see larger examples.


Convergent Thinking

Convergent Thinking relates to narrowing down options and making decisions. This is done after the Divergent phase when design ideas are being refined. The words associated with this phase are questioning, clarifying, planning, analysing, examining, testing and evaluating. You are essentially trying to give yourself a direction to pursue.

Evaluative techniques such as S.L.I (Strengths, Limitations and Implications) and S.C.A.M.P.E.R can help a designer to move forward with their design solution by beginning to narrow down and focus on a specific idea.


Scamper Template

Questions to ask?

What are the possible results to your design?


What if I swap this for that and see what happens?

Who else could find this appealing or useful?

What other materials, design factors could I use instead?

What happens if I substitute the shape, texture, form or colour?



What elements or principles of design can be combined?

What graphical representations can be combined?


Adapt or Add

What part of the concept can I change?

What if I were to use parts of other design elements or principles?

What if I re-use aspects of my design in other ways or places?


Modify, Magnify or Minimise

What happens if part of the concept is expanded, exaggerated, minimised or changed?

What is the effect of altering proportions and relationships in the design?


Put to another use

What other function or use can my concept be applied to?

Can another design feature from another product be used in my idea?


Eliminate or Erase

What can be removed from my design?

What can be understated or streamlined?

What happens to the design if parts are taken away?


Reverse or Rearrange

What is the opposite of what I am currently doing?

What if I did it the other way around?

What if I reverse the elements or the way it is used?

What happens if I mix up the design?