
Internal Assessment 1 (IA1) - Design Challenge Exam 15%


Unit 3:

Human Centred Design

Topic 1:

Designing with empathy


1 Hour + 15 minutes planning

Word Limit:

Four A3 pages


Two A3 sheets provided 24 hours prior to the exam

Equipment required:

black ink pen, black fineliner, 2B pencil. sharpener, eraser, ruler, coloured pencils or Copic markers, tracing paper

The Exam paper will contain a Design Brief and Design Criteria that you will need to read carefully. The Design Brief will start off with a general introduction providing some context to the problem and you will then be 'challenged' to design a solution.

In order to do this successfully you will need to ensure that you address the following Assessment Objectives:



devise ideas using divergent thinking strategies in response to a HCD problem in the develop phase



evaluate the strengths, limitations and implications of ideas against design criteria to make refinements.



synthesise ideas and HCD information to propose a HCD concept

Representing & communicating

represent ideas and a design concept using ideation and/or schematic sketching





You will be given a 'mock exam' to complete. This will help you to refine your design sketching and help you to get use to the amount of time available to you.

Planning Time

You will have 15 minutes of Planning Time before you start the 60 minutes of Exam time.


Planning time is:

"time allocated in an assessment to planning how to respond to items and tasks and associated assessment materials; students may make notes but may not commence responding to the assessment in the response space/book; notes made during planning are not collected, nor are they graded or used as evidence of achievement."

What will the IA1 Exam Paper look like?
How will the IA1 Exam be marked (ISMG 15%)